Proclaim & Serve is for everyone from anywhere in the country — you don't need to be from central Illinois. Overnight accommodations are available – just indicate that on the registration form. (If you prefer staying in a hotel, there are many options nearby. See below.)
PRE-CONFERENCE – Friday, July 11
6:30 pm Registration / check-in
7:00 Pre-conference
MAIN CONFERENCE – Saturday, July 12
8:00 am Check-in, get coffee
8:10 Singing
8:30 Opening comments, housekeeping items, prayer
8:45 Main Session
9:35 Topical Breakouts (You pick 1)
10:15 Break
10:50 Ministry Info Breakouts 1 and 2 (10:50 & 11:40 - You pick 2)
12:20 Lunch
1:15 Singing
1:35 Main Session
2:15 Break
Discussion Groups 1 and 2 (2:50 & 3:45 - You pick 2)
4:40 Main Session
5:00 Closing
Ready to go deep on a topic? Choose one of these 2—3-hour Friday evening sessions for some intense and highly interactive teaching. Advance registration is required.
NOTE: in order to preserve the interactive nature of these sessions, we are limiting attendance in these sessions. Spots are given out first-come, first-served in order of registration, so if interested, don’t delay.
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Held in the church assembly room, these are plenary sessions, meaning they are broad interest topics intended for everyone.
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25+ different AC outreach ministries / programs will have manned booths on display so you can learn more about them. The exhibitor area is open all day Saturday and is the place to go during breaks as many booths offer snacks.
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Proclaim & Serve 2025 will be held at the Goodfield Apostolic Christian Church. 218 W. Fisk Street, Goodfield, IL
If you need a place to stay overnight, the church body in Goodfield will be glad to host you. Just indicate that when registering.
If you prefer a hotel instead of staying with someone, there are a number of hotels in the Peoria, Morton, or Bloomington-Normal area (approx. 10-30 minute drive). Click here to search.