Join us next summer in Goodfield, IL on July 11th & 12th.

Where, and why, is God sending you?

Come join us on Saturday, July 13, 2024 at the Bluffton Apostolic Christian Church for a full day of presentations, breakouts, and small group discussions on a wide variety of mission-related topics.

This missions conference is not just about what HarvestCall is currently doing. It’s more about learning together how we as individuals and as a church can become more effective at reaching a lost world with the light of the glorious gospel.

Interactive 2-3 hour long pre-conference workshops are offered on Friday evening, July 12.

Proclaim & Serve is for everyone from anywhere in the country — you don't need to be from eastern Indiana. Overnight accommodations are available – just indicate that on the registration form. (If you prefer staying in a hotel, there are many options nearby. See list below.)

Not attended a Proclaim & Serve yet? Get a flavor for the event in this short video.

Schedule (all times are Eastern time)

It’s a full weekend jam-packed with stirring content presented in a variety of formats and styles. Seating is limited for the workshops, breakouts and discussion groups and seats will be given out first-come, first-served. Advance registration is expected. If you do not register in advance, you may not be able to attend your preferred sessions.


PRE-CONFERENCE – Friday, July 12
6:30 pm Registration / check-in
7:00  Pre-conference

MAIN CONFERENCE – Saturday, July 13
  8:00 am Check-in, get coffee
  8:10   Singing
  8:30   Opening comments, housekeeping items, prayer
  8:45   Main Session


  9:35   Topical Breakouts (You pick 1)
10:15   Break
Ministry Info Breakouts 1 and 2 (10:50 & 11:40 - You pick 2)
12:20   Lunch


  1:15    Singing
  1:35    Main Session
  2:15    Break
Discussion Groups 1 and 2 (2:50 & 3:45 - You pick 2)
  4:40    Main Session
  5:00    Closing


Pre-Conference Workshops

Ready to go deep on a topic? Choose one of these 2—3-hour Friday evening sessions for some intense and highly interactive teaching. Advance registration is required.

NOTE: in order to preserve the interactive nature of these sessions, we are limiting attendance in these sessions. Spots are given out first-come, first-served in order of registration, so if interested, don’t delay.

  • Diversity and Love: What Neuropsychology Can Teach Us About Living the Greatest Commandment

    Come to learn why we struggle to understand and love those who are different and how God has equipped us to overcome this struggle. 

    Facilitator: Keyna Martinez

  • Cost of Poverty Experience

    The church is commissioned by God to bring healing to wounded lives, restoration to broken systems and relationships, and economic security where there is hardship. However, so often churches in America struggle to support families impacted by poverty in ways that are relational, holistic, and lasting. 

    The Cost of Poverty Experience: Faith Edition is a 3-hour experiential training that is designed to give participants a glimpse into the lives of low-income persons living in your community and participating in your ministries.

  • When Missions Is Hard

    Human nature and the curse of sin fight hard against the furtherance of the Gospel message. Join us as we work through true-to-life case studies and wrestle with difficult realities on the mission field, identifying our part, God’s part, and the hope He brings in the midst of pain.

    Facilitators: Amber Miller & Grant Herrmann

  • Have You Not Heard?: Biblical World Evangelism

    It is clear, but often overlooked...The scriptures often report God's commands and His dealing with people without providing a thorough analysis of the aims or motives. This does not mean we can not know God's thoughts or purposes - often it merely requires serious reflection on that which we already know. This workshop will do just that!

    Facilitator: Steve Stieglitz

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Main Sessions

Held in the church assembly room, these are plenary sessions, meaning they are broad interest topics intended for everyone.

  • Understanding the Father

    The Father sent Jesus to become flesh and live among the people. We are sent the same way. As we seek to better understand the One who sends us, how can we relate and be challenged by Christ's incarnational ministry?

    Speaker: Matt Knapp

  • The Costs and Blessings of Relocating

    Each of us has an opportunity to join God in the work He is doing. In this session, hear the personal wrestlings of two couples who have recently moved to support God’s work in the Castleton and Ft. Lauderdale congregations. They will discuss their learnings so far and share advice to those contemplating ministry involvement or relocation.

    Speakers: Randy & Becky Gudeman, Kevin & Cheryl Ryan, and Amber Miller

  • Let's Go!

    What do we do with what we have learned today? This closing session will reflect on where we have been sent and the ways God has invited us to serve in that place and calling.

    Speaker:  Kirk Plattner

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Topical Breakouts

The hardest part will be choosing the one you most want to attend, because sadly, there isn’t time in the day to repeat these.
  • 10,000 Teachers but Only One Father

    Each of us has been designed for a purpose. We are most fulfilled when we live out our calling. This session will explore how to filter through the noise to live out what Christ has called us to do.   

    Speaker: Kevin Knapp

  • Gospel Wildfire

    Let's explore a brief history of cross-cultural missions in the Apostolic Church and the world, then pivot to the fascinating trends in world missions today. God is on the move!!

    Speaker: Erik Wiegand

  • Know Doubt: Exploring the Reality of Spiritual Doubt

    Emotional, intellectual, and existential doubt are major factors in faith deconstruction. The Bible openly welcomes and addresses these doubts.

    Speaker: John Reinhard

  • Discipleship, Evangelism and the Hope These Offer for the Church

    The Apostolic Christian Church of America has as one of its strategic initiatives, “Discipleship and Evangelism.” While these matters can be taken independently from the other, a great deal of hope is found in their joining. In this breakout, listen to the open dialogue of elder brothers speak to a very welcome vision for our church.

    Speakers: Matt Kaufmann, John Wiegand, and Mark Streitmatter

  • Making Disciples in Ethiopia’s Marketplace & Creating Investment Opportunities for the US Church

    Ever wonder what it would be like to solve a major problem or issue with a small business in an industry that you are passionate about?  How about doing that in a creative-access country in East Africa like Ethiopia?  Come learn what marketplace ministry is all about and how your vocational skills, marketplace experience, and capital can all be used to make disciples of Jesus, and investment opportunities with Kingdom Impact businesses located in this culturally rich nation!

    Speakers: Jon Gerst & Darci Massner

  • Engaging the Materially Poor - Why Good Intentions Are Not Enough

    Jesus spent much time engaging with publicans, sinners, the poor, the outcast, and many whom society had deemed unworthy. He taught that caring for the materially poor is not an optional aspect of the Christian life.  How do you view those that are in poverty How often do materially poor people come to your church and how long do they stay? Come learn about ways we can view those in poverty and how we can engage them in healthy ways.

    Speaker: Paul Streitmatter

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Ministry Info Breakouts

Find out what God is doing through the various ministries operating under HarvestCall. Choose the two that most interest you.
  • God's Written Word Made Alive in Sign Language

    Why do we do Bible Translation in Sign Language? Heart language is the foundation of relationship; with each other and with our Savior.

    Speakers:  Zandrea Pitterson, Clifton Blackellar, & Tashi Widmer

  • House of Life and Hope: An Exciting Past, an Expanding Future

    Learn about new and continuing opportunities and challenges at Casa Vida y Esperanza in Magdalena de Kino, Mexico.  

    Speaker: Todd Stoller

  • The Haiti Problem

    Doing the right thing amidst the complexities: What’s going on in Haiti, and discerning how to navigate our ministries.

    Speaker: Dan Leman

  • Team Up, Travel, Teach the Truth: Time for Traveling VBS!

    Are you ready to head across the country (or to the next state over) for a joy-filled week of teaching the Gospel, connecting with a small church, and building relationships with other volunteers? Join us to learn all about life as a Traveling VBS volunteer and how God could send you (yes, YOU!!!!) onto this mission field.

    Speakers: Phil & Leah Dreste

  • Seeing God's Glory in Winter Rebuilding

    We will be sharing examples of how God made His presence known during the 2024 Winter Rebuilding Ministry, examples of showing a Louisiana community "Faith at Work", based on the book of James.

    Speaker: Tim Slagel

  • On the Ground in Ukraine

    Come to learn about the HarvestCall European Committee's war-relief efforts in Ukraine.

    Speaker: Joel Putt

  • The 10/40 Window Is Not a Dead Zone in the AC World

    Japan is one of the least reached nations in the world. This session will explain how the AC Church became involved in Japan and how the Japanese believers are currently reaching into their communities with the Gospel. 

    Speakers: Frank & Kathy Sauder

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Discussion Groups

 Interactive discussions in a small group format. Choose the two topics you are most interested in and come ready to participate!
  • Beginning in Jerusalem - Engaging Our Neighbors With the Kingdom

    Missions begins at home and naturally flows into our neighborhoods before expanding to the uttermost parts of the earth. Discover ways to interact with those nearby as we encourage each other to live a culture of outreach.

    Facilitators: Bryan & Kara Stoller

  • Sending Takes a Village! We All Have a Part...

    Participating in God’s work can cost us time, money, and probably more energy than we ever anticipated… so what can we do to sustain ourselves (and others) as we look for where God is at work? Join us to brainstorm creative ways we can inspire and support local and global workers for the long-haul!  

    Facilitators: Nick & Amber Steffen

  • Global Mission, Local Wallets: Navigating the Financial Realities of Out-of-Country Missionary Work

    This will be an open discussion of the financial side of missionary service. We’ll discuss possible barriers related to finances as well as the current HarvestCall model for financially supporting those who are sent.

    Facilitators: Kurt & Joan Plattner

  • Missional Repurposing

    Are you getting tired or burned out in your serving? Or perhaps you are feeling the effects of aging and wonder if you can/should continue doing what you are doing? This discussion group will pursue (and encourage) the process of finding new purpose in our serving.

    Facilitator: Dennis Kaufmann

  • Exploring Ministry Change at CVE

    As a ministry changes it can be hard for those whose hearts are deeply connected. Many have warm memories of the CVE children’s home and the joy that this ministry has brought to our church, but recognize that it looks different today. Join us for a discussion about how we can build on the blessings and lessons of the past to continue to become more effective for the Gospel going forward

    Facilitators: Jeff & Heidi Beer

  • Building Christ Centered Third Spaces

    A Third Space is any communal location that is not work or home. Coffee shops, churches, libraries, clubs, ect are all examples of Third Spaces. We will discuss how we can enter into and build Third Spaces that draw people to Christ.

    Facilitator: Kailey Wuethrich

  • Ready to Go, Ready to Stay

    Let’s talk about how you would live your life if you were sent to an unfamiliar community as a missionary. How would you interact with the locals to build relationships? How would you gain the trust of the people there? What if we have already been sent? How can we do this where we live right now?

    Facilitator: Will Manz

  • Navigating Unexpected Transitions

    Seasons of transition are a natural passage of life. Regardless of the reason that you are in a time of change, God wants to help you stand firm. Many unknowns can be intimidating and discouraging, and we become anxious for His direction and truth. This discussion will cover seasons of transition while learning to trust God’s plan for your life.

    Facilitator: Daryl Knobloch

  • Rooted in Faith, Grounded in Science: Exploring Biblical Parallels With Soil Science in Missionary Work

    This discussion group delves into the rich metaphorical language of soil found in the Bible and its resonance with modern soil science principles. Drawing parallels between biblical lessons on soil and contemporary understandings, we explore how these insights can inform and enrich missionary endeavors. From cultivating fertile ground for spiritual growth to understanding the importance of nurturing relationships within communities, we uncover practical applications for mission work in diverse cultural contexts. Join us as we dig deep into the intersection of faith and science, seeking to cultivate a more rooted and grounded approach to spreading the message of hope and love.

    Facilitators: Chase Rinkenberger & Jake Leman

  • Can I Pray With You?

    Prayer is powerful and important. It is a privilege, it is universal, and it is an integral part of the fabric that is life, faith, health, and mission work. But do you feel comfortable praying out loud? with others? in the moment? right here, right now? Is it important to do so? Join us in a discussion as we learn together how to grow in the discipline of “being instant in prayer” with others.

    Facilitator: Valerie Leman

  • How to Love Your Actual Neighbor

    Join us for an engaging discussion on building close community with your actual neighbors. Explore strategies and real-world examples to help build a habit of reaching out to those who live around you.

    Facilitator: Isaac Funk

  • I Was a Teenage Werewolf but Then I Met Some AC's…

    Drawing from my early experiences of Apostolic Christian hospitality, I will share insights into welcoming the stranger into our church family. The root of the word hospitality is “hospital,” therefore the church should be a field hospital for the stranger, the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the blind and those who are bruised.

    Facilitator: Joshua Martinez

  • Engaging Cross-Culture Workers in the U.S.

    What does it mean to engage with cross-culture workers? What works? What doesn't?  What does successful engagement look like?

    We will discuss ways we can have God's heart for those living among us.

    Speaker: Regg Beer

  • Biblical Decision Making: A Maze or Amazing...

    Making life altering decisions can be intimidating.  Learn from God's Word how to make decisions with an amazing level of trust, confidence and peace!  A brief presentation followed by an open discussion.

    Facilitators: Fred Leman & Gary Ifft

  • Marriage or Missions?

    As we follow the path of God and seek His next steps in our lives, we often come to crossroads where we have to sort through callings. Where both marriage and missions are concerned, how does a single person who may be sorting between the two, or a married couple deciding together, work through a calling towards missions?  

    Facilitators: Grant & Hannah Herrmann

  • Mission Minded AND Family-Focused: These Are Not Mutually Exclusive

    She wants the home to be full of nurturing and hospitality. He wants warriors prepared for battle. Can these two perspectives be reconciled? Together this couple will share their not-so-perfect record of navigating the opportunities that each stage of family life brings, while taking time for rest and trusting in God's plans.

    Facilitators: Darin & Jessica Leman

  • Poverty Alleviation in Your Local Community

    God doesn’t send us all to some faraway place. There are many hurting right where we live. Come to discuss ways that you can help alleviate (not just material) poverty in your home town.

    Facilitators: Mike Grimm, Candi Overholt & Mike Robinson

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Workshop & Keynote Speakers

Ministry Info, Topical Breakouts, and Discussion Session Speakers and Facilitators

List of Services

List of Services

Exhibitor Hall

25+ different AC outreach ministries / programs will have manned booths on display so you can learn more about them. The exhibitor area is open all day Saturday and is the place to go during breaks as many booths offer snacks.

2024 Exhibitors

  • HarvestCall
  • Kairos
  • Jamaica Ministries - DeafCan!, JSLBT, En Gedi
  • Traveling VBS
  • Haiti Dairy
  • Child Sponsorship
  • Casa Vida y Esperanza (CVE)
  • Bible Distribution
  • Short-Term Missions
  • Hospital Lumiere
  • Ixtlan
  • Japan
  • Haiti Trade Schools
  • GCCD
  • Distribution Centers
  • USA Rebuilding
  • Haiti Construction
  • Sewing & Kits
  • The Fatted Calf
  • Lifepoints
  • AC Bookstore
  • Gateway Woods
  • Church Bolstering & Outreach

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Proclaim & Serve 2024 will be held at the Bluffton Apostolic Christian Church. Five miles east on State Road 124 to County Road 800 East, south two miles.


If you need a place to stay overnight, the Church body in Bluffton will be glad to host you. Just indicate that when registering.

If you prefer a hotel instead of staying with someone, there are a number of hotels in the Ft. Wayne area (approx. 45 minute drive). Click here to search.

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